@Home Holy Week resources
Take a journey with Jesus from Palm Sunday through Easter! Click on the links below for a variety of resources to observe the special events of this week.
For the Entire Week
Chuck Knows Church Video on Holy Week
Holy Week @ Home Using All Your Senses
Holy Week Scavenger Hunt
Illustrated Ministry resources
Maundy Thursday
Come to the Maundy Thursday Zoom service at 7 pm -- watch for the invitation via email. Guests--please email the church office for the zoom meeting information.
Chuck Knows Church Video on Maundy Thursday
Celebrating Maundy Thursday at Home
Good Friday
Come to the Good Friday Tenebrae Zoom service at 7 pm -- watch for the invitation via email. Guests--please email the church office for the zoom meeting information.
Chuck Knows Church Video on Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Come to our 10 AM Easter Live Streaming Service
#calvarybutterflyrelease Alleluia Butterfly --SPECIAL ACTIVITY: Color a butterfly, cut it out, and tape on your window. Take a picture and post it to your social media account(s) with the hashtag #calvarybutterflyrelease. Don’t have a social media account? Send to Quinn at quinnweixel@calvarylutheranchurch.org to post on the church Facebook page. How many butterflies can we "release" on Easter and share the Good News?