Let's connect during the week.
Christian faith formation is a lifelong journey. That's why we are doing our best to make it easy for you to connect with God and others in authentic relationships throughout the week. No one person is an island and the faith journey is not meant to be done alone, so are working together to make it easier for you to join a faith community in this season and beyond.
Children's Ministries
Register your kids for Children's Ministries here at Calvary Lutheran!
Faith Formation for Youth
We will be adjusting our Confirmation process for this fall. This milestone ministry invites students in grades 6-8 to explore their Christian faith in preparation for an affirmation of their baptism which is held on the 3rd Sunday in May.
Faith Formation of Adults
To educate, inform, and provide formats for open discussion and sharing like interests on social issues, life skills, Biblical concepts, and congregational life.
RightNow Media is a tool that can help you live out your faith in every area of your life—at home, at work, and in your community. In addition to a series on books of the Bible, RightNow Media has videos for everyone in your family on a variety of topics like marriage, parenting, personal finances, mental health, and more. There’s even a library just for kids with over 2,000 safe, entertaining videos. RightNow Media has a free app that’s available on all major streaming devices so you and your family can access content anywhere, anytime.
To receive FREE access to RightNow Media, click here!
- Helping Kids Make Wise Choices
- Saying I Don't Know is Okay
- Characteristics of Middle Schoolers
- Thanksgiving Prayers
- Raising Adults Not Kids
- Making Life Easier
- High School Survivor Guide
- Kind and Compassionate Kids.
- Affirmations for the worried parent.
- Safe Kids - Online safety resource
- Common Sense Media
- Kahn Academy- Academic help website
- myvision.org- A guide to setting up screen time boundaries for your children.