God is Doing a New Thing Capital Campaign

“See, the former things have come to pass, and the new things I now declare.” – Isaiah 42


Can you feel it?

During Pastor Doolittle’s interim in the pulpit, we began to experience both a sense of stability and movement simultaneously. Now, four months after Pastor Mark’s Installation, we’ve recognized this dynamic element as momentum! Together with the God, Pastor Mark, and YOU, we move forward.

See what the Holy Spirit is doing:

We have received a matching gift of $500,000! So, every dollar you donate is doubled. We already have $275,000 toward our matching goal! Our Capital Campaign goal is $1,000,000.

man sitting on chair holding and surrounded by people

Areas of Focus

  1. Congregational Growth
  2. Financial Stability 
  3. Reduction of Mortgage Debt

Weighing the array of church needs against our mandate, which is captured in our mission and vision, is strategic and prudent.

How will the funds be used?

  1. Hire a Music Director and Youth Director to grow the congregation.
  2. Establish a Building Maintenance Fund to protect the annual operating funds.
  3. Reduce the mortgage to accelerate the path to financial independence!

God is doing a new thing!

A $500,000 matching fund has been established and $155,000 in gifts have been raised to date, toward our goal of $1,000,000. Will you pray about making a one-time gift toward our mission and vision? If you would like to give to our capital campaign, you can do so by clicking the "Give Now" button or writing a check alongside a pledge card and returning it to the church office. 


Be a Foundation-Stone which, aligned with Jesus the cornerstone, provides the bedrock upon which the structure rests.

Make a gift over 1, 2, or 3 years

From $25,000 to $100,000


Be the Jars of Oil multiplied by God for the widow and her son to bless, comfort, and free the most vulnerable.

Make a gift over 1, 2, or 3 years

$10,000, $15,000, or $20,000


Be Light in Solana Beach to show the way to Jesus.

Make a gift over 1, 2, or 3 years

From $5,000 to $9,000


Be Salt to preserve the ELCA Lutheran traditions of education, music, community service, and inclusion.

Make a gift over 1, 2, or 3 years

From $100 to $4,000